Today's little garment began as a T-shirt I found at a garage sale. I don't tend to do a ton of T thrifting, as I always feel like I'm in competition with boutique owners looking for cheap steals to then turnaround and sell at their stores for $40. But, I'll snag one if there is something so incredible that I can't stop thinking about it. My favorite find is an amazing Dos Equis T that I got for 50 cents about 8 years ago - it's the thinnest, softest, most perfectly worn in, and fitted shirt that I own. It's like it was made specifically for me. The shirt that I found today had something about it that I wanted to make mine. It was from an exhibition at the Whitney Museum in 1987, which is one of my most favorite places in NY. One of the museums that always struck my fancy growing up. So, when I came across it, sifting through piles of to-be-discarded apparel at a garage sale, I held onto it tightly. (I also held onto a New Kids On the Block T that will be used as the perfect birthday prezzie for an unnamed friend in a few months...)
Instead of just keeping it as a basic T, I wanted to give it a little more flair. I wanted to make it a little more fun, so I crafted this en route to Vegas. I decided to add a little bit of pink lace to the edge of the sleeves to match the pink in the Grooms print on the front.
I took about a foot and a half of lace for each arm and pinned it to the inside of the sleeves, accordion style. So, as I pinned, I'd gather a bit at each inch to give it more of a puckered look. I took some white thread and began weaving and stitching the lace to the inside of the arm which took about 30 minutes total for both which included a pit stop in Baker for some gas and a pic of the largest thermometer in the world!
After all the stitching, this is how the T came out...
Literally the easiest way to pump up a basic T. Take some lace, ribbon (leftover from wrapped gifts perhaps), fabric, faux fur - anything you can think of! Be creative and have fun with it because that T in the Goodwill pile that's ready to be donated can be given a new life with just a small adjustment.
UPDATE: An extreme close up of the Red Grooms print on the front for my girl Anne :)