Day 53. 312 days and $307 left to go.

So my pick for today was in pretty crappy form when I found it. It definitely had a whole lot to do with the fact that it was grossly wrinkled, but it had the potench of being fabulous! Day 53 - Before

I loved the seafoamy green color. I loved the lineny-silk material it was made from. I loved that it pretty much fit me and I loved the little bow clasps. All this for just a buck!? Let me tell you, there were hoards of clothes that were sifted through to find it, so at the end of the day, it was a buck plus hands that needed serious Purell-ing. I did want to leave the color intact, so I opted to add some glitz to give it the bling effect with...SEQUINS!!! Ooh, and there was some legit ironing done as well, and I mean legit!

Now I wasn't about to bedazzle the entire jacket, but those bow clasps were so fantastic that I thought they could use a little bit of sparkly love. I had some amazing iridescent green sequins that matched the puppy perfectly.


I threaded my needle and got to work...


...sewing on sequins to cover the tops of both bows.


Almost there...

Sequin party close up!!

And, voila, with the addition of my Buddy Holly frames, this newly turned jacket was dandyrific! I quite thoroughly enjoyed the outcome of this one. I paired it with a white T and some jeans and I felt quite glam in a total Alice in Wonderlandy/tea party meets Weezer kind of way. All good in my book.

Day 53 - After