Now, I always wanted a Members Only jacket, ever since I was a kid. It's a piece of clothing synonymous with The Breakfast Club, Anthony Michael Hall/John Cusack, and well most of the 80s. So when I found this one hidden underneath a behemoth of other worn gear, I swiped it as fast as my little hands could grab. All it took was a glimpse of that label and the jacket was mine. Woo hoo! Victory!! Small problem, it was real big...
Yep, this jacket was large Marge, but as big as it was it had my name on it and I was going to make it work. And to be honest, for a buck, I'd have bought 10 of them! The sleeves had to be handled as well as the torso, as I was swimming in it. So, I put it on, zipped it up, and pinned the excess that needed to be taken off from the sleeves and the body. I got sewing on my machine, stitched away, cut off the extra material (which was literally half the jacket) and had a finished product that was worthy for a little viewing of Cusack classic Better Off Dead.
"When you put it on something happens." With a tagline like that and General Hospital actor Anthony Geary selling them 25 years ago, I imagine it was very difficult not to buy one of these in '83?!? Kinda like the current Luke Wilson AT&T commercials, except not lame and totally retro chic.