Day 83. 282 days and $278 left to go.

Muumuu Friday!! That's right friends, the muumuu is making an appearance today. I came across a pretty fab one last weekend and was saving it as a treat to end the work week with. With the amount of birthdays that were had over the past few days (DL, JH, EC, MR) I figured I could treat myself to a big, baggy, ripped under one sleeve present, right? Day 84 - Before

I didn't take a pic, but underneath the right sleeve, the seam is completely ripped. Would be perf over the summer, as a little built-in air vent for your armpits, however it's not that hot yet. Will perhaps try to make that look rock in August though...

I thought that instead of just reworking the muum (my new nickname for the muumuu, ps...) into a shorter, changed sleeve, new neck, added slit dress, I was going to make it work as top, of sorts. So first, I decided to cut the piece right down the middle.

Stuck in the middle with you!

After I cut a slit down the front of the muum, I pinned the jagged edges of both sides down underneath and sewed new seams. I wanted to make the sleeves a little tighter, so I took them in a few inches - this also assisted in fixing the hole under the right arm, as the new hem solved that ish immediately. I took the leftover fabric from Day 73 and made a sash from it to tie around my waist and we were ready to roll!

Day 83 - After

It's a jackety-top now! During the day, I wore it with flip-flops and as it got cooler (literally and via Olympics viewing) I threw on my boots and my green hoodie and was ready for a night in LA or Vancouver :)

Day 83 - After (From the back!)

This was such a fun and comfy piece for the day that I may have to do something similar with my next muum find.

Party in the USA!

Unfortunately that caption from the pic above is in reference to that Miley Cyrus song that the Olympics can't seem to stop playing when US athletes are snowboarding or's been on rotation (at least a double axel) in my head for the past few days. Too bad, ANY other artist didn't come up with a USA themed song this year because I'm kind of close to sewing a needle through my finger :) Happy weekend! xx M