Day 87. 278 days and $274 left to go.

So when I came across this puppy there were some mixed feelings. Let me share...gingham, I love you. Paisley, I love you too. Together, paired the way you were with long sleeves, buttons up to my eyes (kinda), and a skirt that hit the floor you were no good, you were no good, you were no good, baby you were no good. Day 87 - Before

However, I was determined to make you better, that's right with just a little bit of trimming and re-styling. First, the length needed to go. I grabbed my scissors and cut you up to my knees. I unbuttoned all five buttons of you and threw on my favorite olive-y green LA Made jersey tank underneath. Paired you with a fab belt I procured from the Targe (as in Target...), rolled up your sleeves to my elbows, and threw on my nude slingbacks. After all that, I was ready for some yakitori chicken and shrimp skewers (not to mention some ridic Asiany-coconutty quesadillas that I do not have documentation of, but let me tell you...they were NO JOKE) prepared by the cheftastic MR.

Day 87 - After

Before the food fest, I took a pic outside in front of the most gorgeous 1970s Rolls Royce just hanging out on the street. I got stares during my impromptu, shoes-off, dance party, but that's kind of how I roll - impromptu dance parties will be had in front of cars...

Splendor in the Grass

...or in them.

Channeling my inner rapper!

It don't matter to this gal :)