So let's just discuss first that the problems à la internet have been amended. Thank you Time Warner for finally figuring it out. It was hard looking at my network preferences where my network "xoxo" (yep, total ode to Gossip Girl, I'll be honest) was unable to be connected to. Alas, it's been fixed and I sit here now in the midnight hour on my couch, with working WiFi, watching DVR'd American Idol from tonight (kind of pissed about the results and kind of over this season already...) and Project Runway (who else is watching - must discuss!!) as I write about today's ensemble. So, let's begin...
Wha?!?! I know, that's what I thought too!! This apron/bib/tie on the side situation was not just weird, but really gross and unflattering. Not to mention, this excess fabric sat on top of a fitted dress that had some pretty amazing ruched sleeves. This piece was going to get a much-needed chemical peel as we needed to slough off that gross layer of old, gross, saggy extra fabric. Out came the seam ripper and the procedure began.
Total success!! The excess fabric has been removed!! Already the piece looks 10 years younger... I was lovin the sleeves, so with wanting that to be the focal point, I took the dress, cut off the bottom and turned it into a top. After removing the bib deal, the neck was a lovely crew length which was perfect. I took it in a bit on each side (just about an inch or so) and rehemmed the bottom. The final look was this.
Cute new top paired with my skinnies and my peep toe Aerosoles made for my Thursday outfit. Sunny day, floral print, a pic on somebody random's brick front steps = rad photo-op. Floral prints always make me smile and lucky for all of us, they're totally IN this spring season. DVF, Stella McCartney and Erdem (pic below) are making me super excited to try and recreate my own versions on a dime.
OK, deep breath Maris, deep breath. I will have dreams of jasmine scented botanical gardens and meadows of flowers tonight which is way better than the weirdo dreams involving Neil Patrick Harris that I've been remembering. I adore NPH more than words, but I've been doing magic with him and that's borderline nightmarey. Dream with NPH on set of How I Met Your Mother = AWESOME. Dream with NPH doing magic at The Magic Castle in Hollywood = CREEPY. (Click on the link and you'll totally get it, for all you non-Los Angelenos.) Random sidenote - magic, clowns, Chevrolet El Camino's from the 70s, wigs, and rice pudding all give me the heebie-jeebies.
Enough talk of things that slightly make me feel weird and back to happy thoughts, so one more look in my flowered top of the day...
Sweet dreams friends!!! No pun intended, really :)