Day 128. 237 days and $233 left to go.

I enjoyed my Easter ensemble so much yesterday that I wasn't ready to give up the spring colors. Had to stick with green, so I grabbed this slightly ridiculous frock below. Day 128 - Before

I mean, I feel like a big, green cupcake with all the white ruffle business going on. Kind of like these ridiculously amazing looking ones from my new fave UK spot that I've never been to but am beyond obsessed with, Crumbs & Doilies.

Green Cuppies c/o Crumbs & Doillies

Now I don't mind looking like these, but let's be honest, the cupcakes looked better than this dress did. I mean check it...

The Fray - just as distressed as the band's lyrics

The sleeves were suffering from some serious damage (on both too, even though you can only see this one) and they needed to get fixed. On top of the sleeves, the whole dress needed a tightening up as well. I got out my sewing machine and took in the sleeves, the body and the skirt. I even did my sewing in pink thread :)

Taking it in

Oh, and that length...I had to get rid of it.

There goes the length

And after cutting off copious amounts of thick, green polyestery fabric, this is how it turned out.

Day 128 - After

Like I said earlier, since I wasn't ready to say goodbye to my Easter dress, I used the excess fabric from the bottom of it as a sash today. Matched perfectly! Now, back to those cupcakes. If only they could be shipped to Los Angeles...