Day 133. 232 days and $229 left to go.

So, let's just get right to it - today's piece looked a little something like this... Day 133 - Before

It was long-sleeved, long in length, had a mock turtleneck, and two pockets! Two pockets are not uncommon and weird in most pieces however I'd become rather used to seeing many a muumuu and house dress with just one. (Lovely example here from Day 78.) Seeing two made me very happy as pockets are one my fave accessories.

I didn't like how high the neck was, so I took it off. There was a specific neck panel, so I took my seam ripper and ripped it out.


PS, do you see the "Vanity Fair" tag too? Such a brand specializes in lingerie, so this must have been one rocking nightgown back in the day. My next change was cutting off the length to make the dress end around my knees...


...and cutting the sleeves into much shorter ones than what had originally been on the dress. Now, I had the TV on and was watching a little series called For the Love of Ray J, which may actually take the cake from Rock of Love for the best guilty pleasure reality dating show that is simply ridiculous, so the cutting was rather straight until I started talking directly to the television and to Ray J himself asking them both, "really"? I should have been asking myself, "really," that there wasn't something better suited to having on in the background while I worked.

More Trimming!

After some trimming, I worked on the neck. I undid the center seam that went straight up and down the dress about 6 inches or so and folded each side under to form a V. I stitched down my new neckline and gave it a new seam. I used a bit of the excess material that I cut off and made a very small sash to wrap around the waist and brought in the sleeves a tad as well as the body which made the dress ready to enjoy a little more reality TV.

Day 133 - After

I headed to a viewing party for a lovely friend who happens to be on the new show, Private Chefs of Beverly Hills. Yeah, we've all known for a while that Chef Sasha can cook, so we were thrilled to see it in all its glorious reality TV action. She also cooked, so we ate, enjoyed libations...and watched.

Cheering on our own Chef Sasha!

There is nothing better than hearing all the true, actual dirt of what really went down that didn't end up on-screen. Thank goodness for TiVo and the pause button, right? Fab commentary interspersed between segments of Botox parties and dog debutante events made it even more ridiculous. Reality Saturday much? Yes, clearly I signed up.