Day 140. 225 days and $222 left to go.

On the agenda for today was a trip to Dodger Stadium to partake in a little Opening Week action against the Giants. The Dodgers didn't fare so well, but we'll get to that later. I have loads of Yankee gear, but only own a Dodgers hat, so it was time to put together an ensemble that included a little bit of blue and white to root for the local team. And to root on Mr. Matt Kemp, aka Rihanna's man, aka my West Coast version of Derek Jeter.

Matt Kemp!

I found this fab little number that was full o' Dodgers colors including an extra hint of green, so I figured this would totally work.

Day 140 - Before

Hi dress with blue and white speckles and green, what look like, hibiscuses. Or is it hibiscui or just hibiscus? Either or, dress was needing a bit of help and I was ready to assist.

Now I was ready to head to a sporting event, so keeping the piece as a dress was not happening - I decided to do a little snippy action.

Getting rid of that length!

I cut off the length and had a brand, new top totes suitable for some baseballing! I was going to trim the sleeves, but as a fair-skinned gal, I tend to look for as much coverage as possible especially when I'm going to be out in the sun, for a while, in the middle of the day.

Here's the completed piece...

Day 140 - After

Take me out to the ballgame!! My top was the perfect accompaniment to my LA hat, jeans and chartreuse flip-flops. We enjoyed the clearest of days to watch a blowout game...

Dodger Stadium!!

...listen to American Idol Elliot Yamin sing "God Bless America", and eat the most delicious chocolate malt ice cream with my bro.


And, before the game started, I had my first sighting outside the stadium! Woo hoo!! The lovely Heidi recognized me and came up to say hello. I was completely surprised and totally thrilled! So fantastic to get to meet followers in person :)

Me & My Gal Heidi

So, the Dodgers lost miserably (0-9) but the day was a blast. New friends, yummy snacks, sunny day...the best way to spend a Saturday!