When I saw this lovely dress, I had to have it immediately. It was a little retro and had a 50s vibe which I was totally digging. The blue/green palette was soft and super femme, so in my thrift bag it went.
I loved the fabric and the floral pattern, but the one ish that you can't see above (and that I didn't see until I got home)...HOLES!
That's right, there were two rather large holes along the seam of the waistline. They were equidistant too - it was like I was working with twins! I think I was blinded at the garage sale for a moment by the soft fabric and was brought to Venice (not CA, but Italy) on a bicycle, drinking wine overlooking the Adriatic Sea, and by the time my dream had ended I was already back home and washing my newly purchased, and hole-filled, piece. What to do?? I pinned the holes together on the inside of the dress and sewed down brand new hems.
After the waist was tackled, I got to the length, as I didn't really like where it was hitting me at my calves. I wanted to shorten it up just a smidge, so I measured out six inches and pinned down where I wanted my new hem to lie.
A little sewing and trimming followed and I was left with some excess...
...which I decided to turn into a matching sash.
I pinned and prepped the fabric, got to sewing, and had a brand new belt to accompany my fab new dress. Now that dream that I had earlier...it's like I picked it back up and continued from where I left off. (Don't you wish that happened for real?? I can't even tell you how hard I try to "finish" dreams after being awoken by early am texts from people who get up before 8 or my from my upstairs neighbor doing what sounds like marathon training before the sun rises. I will end up having my dance off with Justin Timberlake and finish my make out scene on Mad Men with Jon Hamm at some point, fyi)
With all this Italy talk, it came to me that this ensemble was totally reminiscent of Gwyneth Paltrow's character Marge Sherwood from The Talented Mr. Ripley. Completely obsessed with her wardrobe throughout the movie, this one in particular I adored and felt was slightly similar.
With all this movie talk, guess where I ended up going? That's right, the movies.
Now, I've never had this EVER happen before, but I feel the need to share, as maybe one of you out there can feel me. Doing a late night screening of Kick-Ass at 11:15, of course we ran into those chatty/obnoxious/clearly wasted kids sitting in front of us repeating lines and shouting gems like, "I could do that too" after people jump across buildings in the movie.
I'm so sure, but in any event they simmered down (ie. passed out) before I had the chance to tell them to shut their faces :) Now we've all experienced this right, but how many of you have had those kids proceed to puke on themselves in the theater? Before it turning into a Stand by Me moment we jetted to seats in the complete opposite end of the theater along with the folks in the surrounding four rows. I immediately grabbed my roll-on perfume from my purse and shared the jasmine scent so we could remove any odor remnants. Just another Saturday night...