I have to say that I was extremely excited for today...um, Betty White gracing the screen on SNL!?!
Amazing! And second, I had a really fun dress prepped to wear to a little birthday soiree this evening, that didn't involve any sewing! Are you ready?
BAM! There it is! Now, I was beyond obsessed with the color when I first came across this dress. Loved the peachy/melon hue and the flowy, flowy fabric. I was trying to figure out what exactly to do with it - perhaps turn it into a tube top or a skirt - then in my playing around it came to me.
I turned the dress around and the wheels started cranking.
Now the back of the dress had buttons from the waist up. This I loved because I was going to be able unbutton a few to change the neckline. I decided to put on a black cami and unbutton all the buttons except for the top one. Seems strange, however, stay with me for a few...I will explain further below.
I grabbed the back of the dress and all the excess material and used a rubber band to cinch the fabric. Just a few steps that will completely change the way the dress looks now.
Hello brand new dress that matches the art in the background! My gallery visit was the perfect place to take photographs this evening. Now when I asked you to hang on with regards to the buttoning issue above, here's where the explanation comes in.
That button at the top of my back is the one from the front of the piece that I kept buttoned. I put my head through the space that was created by unbuttoning the rest of the buttons. That round patch of exposed skin above was where my head should have gone if I didn't do all the tweaking. I love that with just a little bit of playing around and imagination, a brand new piece came to fruition.
Loving the kimono-ish sleeves too not to mention all those empty wine bottles in the background. I mean, just a typical gallery showcase and birthday evening.
Got to hang and catch up with some fabulous friends all while my TiVo was recording Miss White.
Coming home to a recording on my telly while I blog until the wee hours on a "Sewless Saturday"? Priceless.