Today's number was all about the 80s!! Purple silk with a slight iridescent hint along with the pads of shoulder...
Today's look was totally Purple Rain. All I needed was Prince's tresses and that ruffle shirt and we would have been good to go without any changes.
However, I can't play the guitar, so changes here we come.
First, out with these puppies.
They're huge! And just so you can really see the largeness, here you go...
I mean seriously, right? Out came the pads and next came the length. I was definitely not into this as a dress, so I grabbed my scissors to shorten it up.
It was going to make a fabulous shirt of sorts now with the extra silk gone. Also, those horrid sleeves? No bueno at all. Instead of cutting and sewing, I opted to roll them up.
After a not so long prep period, my new shirt was ready! I threw on a white tank underneath and it was just the thing to enjoy a dark chocolate ice blended from The Coffee Bean. The Bean is my West Coast substitute for Dunkin Donuts and today they were giving ice blendeds away! Gratis, baby...and this girl digs their courteousness towards everyone's budgets!
Unfortch silk is super-duper wrinkletastic and I can't carry my steamer around all day.
And to be completely honest, I really don't have a problem with that :)