I'm in a total summer vibe - really craving some tropical action and unfortunately I'm not headed to LAX and there isn't a plane waiting to whisk me off to Kona. So, the closest I was going to get was through my ensemble.
Shocking pink hibiscus flowers on a fabulously vintage Hawaiian dress!! The dress was so overwhelmingly electric pink that a little adjustment was necessary. It was like watching 3D in this dress and 3D gives me headaches.
My main step today was going from dress to top.
Out came the scissors and off came a foot of fine floral fabric. (What's up, alliteration, say hey to your mother for me.) And after a quick mend to the raw edge, the piece was finished! I unbuttoned the top two buttons and my shirt said, "Aloha!"
Not only am I craving some luau festivities...
But, I'm also craving one of these as well to wear around my neck...
...and one of these to hold in my hand.
At least I can make the third one happen from the comforts of my home :)