Hot fun in the summertime, should have been the motto for the day! With temperatures in the high 80s, Memorial Day has most definitely brought the summer. Fun for me because dresses tend to be the only thing I wear when it's hot out :) Today's piece looked like this when I grabbed it for a buck.
Very prairie girl and at the same time, too big in the chest area. Actually, the arms in general were pretty beat up.
Before we begin the transformation, can we all please just take a moment to acknowledge the brand of this dress. MUUMUU FACTORY is the brand of this dress. Seriously? That is amazing. Can you imagine saying, "I've got a job interview at the Muumuu Factory"?
It looks like sleeves may have been there before and ripped out, but what's for sure is the gaping tear underneath the arm hole. The other side looked the same way. First thing that I did was take care of the rip. I pinned down the arms and stitched new seams where the old ones were torn.
I wasn't into how long the dress was. It was a bit too much for me, so I decided to cut off the last tier of fabric from the pink ribbon and below.
Post-cutting, I pinned down the raw edges and created a new seam at the bottom of the dress.
It was also super-duper large on me, so I took it in from the back. There were many inches that needed to be removed, so I pinned down the excess material and brought it in. I grabbed a straw-ish belt and had an outfit ready for the heat.
Unfortunately the Heat didn't make it to these NBA playoffs, but the Suns were in it to win it...until they lost their Game Six against the Lakers.
The back of my dress forms a V, as in victory, which in tonight's case goes straight to Ron Artest for making some ridiculously awesome shots. (I took the ends of the straps and brought them together in the center of my back - loved the new shape!)
Love vegging and watching playoff action and grilling and hanging with friends and family on days like these. Sigh, if everyday could be a Saturday!!
PS, my big halfway point is tomorrow!! Just a little note that the blog may be up later than usual :) Partially because of being halfway done and mostly because I have a wedding to attend. xx M