So you can take a gander for yourself, but I feel like a magician in this piece.
Someone on the design team of this dress/nightgown brand (the tag was unfortch cut out) must have been obsessed with Fantasia and The Sorcerer's Apprentice bit specifically, as it looks just like Mickey's crescent moon and star hat.
Ooh, and look at what else came with the garment...
Holes!!! I had some work to do to get this wearable for tonight's Dodgers game against the St. Louis Cardinals because I gots to wear Dodger Blue!!
First thing I did was get out my scissors to cut straight up and down the nightgown.
I also trimmed off about four inches from the length as well. We're going to be doing some jeans this evening, so I didn't need those extra inches!
I had lots of taking in to do from the sleeves to the body of my new top/cover up. I put it on and pinned the areas that needed to be tightened up.
I also had to take care of the raw edges down the center that formed from me cutting it, not to mention a new hem at the bottom of the piece. After the pins were in place, I plugged in my sewing machine, laced it up with some blue thread, turned on some jams (Marky Mark was on the Jock Jams playlist to get pumped up for the game) and got to work. I mean how do you not get pumped up when you're listening to lyrics like these? "Vibrations good like Sunkist, many wanna know who done this. Marky Mark and I'm here to move you. Rhymes will groove you and I'm here to prove to you."
Ooh, and can't forget to get rid of these.
My new top was ready to go with the addition of a white tank, my LA hat, and some comfy jeans.
The night cooled down a bit, so it was the perfect cover up to throw on and watch a great game of baseball.
Thanks to my girl NK, we had some ridiculous seats just two rows behind the Dodgers dugout. I mean I literally could have grabbed one of Manny Ramirez's dreadlocks, that's how close we were.
After a Dodger dog and some froyo that came complete with a conversation with Rob Reiner of how I should definitely add vanilla on top of my cup of chocolate (a lovely gentleman who goes with nuts on top of his yog), I got back to my seat and watched the hometeam clinch the game.
And I tried to get James Loney's (the 1st baseman) attention as he was doing some post-game interviews...
...but alas, it didn't work. However, who's got two thumbs and four more months to try?? This gal!!