So, I'm totally on a floral kick this week. From yesterday's muumuu to today's, well muumuu again, everything's coming up roses...or daisies actually. Loved the blue and pink hues on today's piece.
It was a bit too wide and the pockets were definitely not in a position to actually rest my hands in - they were literally on the side seams of the dress and I looked like a scarecrow :)
I didn't like the high neck, so I got my scissors out and began cutting. I wanted to make it more of a scoop neck, so I made slits all around the neck from the edge to the seam... (each slit was about two inches)
...and then pinned them under and sewed them under. I needed to take the dress in a bit and because the pockets were not in a stellar position, I just took them off. Out came the seam ripper and detached the pockets.
I turned the dress inside out and took it in about three inches on each side - I began sewing at the sleeves all the way down to the bottom of the dress. Those few tweaks and the addition of my thick brown belt gave me just the thing to wear to the forest.
Well no, I'm not actually in the forest, but that was the direction I was given by my director/photo taker/winner of a Lakers bet I made tonight. I said the Lakers would definitely go over 100 points, but I guessed wrong - 89 was the final score - and I have to pay in tacos.
The deep neck went out to my shoulders which I loved. I could totally rock it Jennifer Beals à la Flashdance style...
...but I'm not really in a dancing mood tonight. I will definitely bring it back when I've got that bucket of water and a sweatband ready to go. I was, however, in the mood for the below.
I mean if it weren't for the open spot literally right outside the Yogurtland location I wouldn't have stopped. OK, maybe I would have, but I feel like that spot was just waiting for me to take it to enjoy the deliciousness of a coffee/cookies & cream/Dutch chocolate trifecta with Oreo's, mini Reese's Pieces, some raspberries (random I know, but antioxidants people!!), and rainbow sprinkles.