Not quite sure how many of y'all are Mad Men fans, but for those who are, you know what today is!!! MAD MEN returns!! Sigh for some Don Draper.
Oh how I was missing you. Today's dress?? You're gonna be calling me Betty soon enough. (Don't spoilers!!)
This dress was slashed beyond belief! There was no way anyone was going to be able to wear this puppy with the severe slit action. I had some work to do.
First thing I did was pin together all the slashed areas. And yes, there were a lot of slashed areas.
After the pinning, I got to sewing.
The skirt is now one piece!! Took a bit of time, but it's all together now. But, that's not all. There's still some work to be done. Sheer sleeves? Not happening. I got the scissors and snipped away.
The last step was cutting that skirt that I just sewed together. I wanted a knee lengther, so I trimmed it in half.
After the trimming, a little re-hemming was done and my dress was ready for the 60s, with the addition of a vintage brooch and some pumps as well.
It's been a while since the last season, so I wanted to offer some early cocktails to set the mood.
Don took the bait, sipped the Chivas I offered all while blowing him a kiss.
Dream. Boat. Period. Happy Sunday night. Thank you A&E...
PS - My day also was chock full of an amazing photo shoot which you'll get to see the product of soon enough :) Let's just say I got my hair did, and my makeup done...
Just a little teaser :) Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! Bridesmaid winner(s) announced tomorrow!! Yes, that's an (s).