Day 241. 124 days and $123 left togo.

This is a Hawaiian muumuu of epic proportions. Day 241 - Before

Even my cousin TP thinks it's a bit ridiculous. He just had to put it on to really get a feel.

Work it. Strut it. Do it.

There was a lot of fabric going on here and I had to condense the extra. I took off the length first as I wanted something light and cute this summery day.

Trimming the length!

I pinned under the raw edges and prepped the bottom of the skirt for a new hem.

Hem time!

While the pins were out, I also began my measurements of where to take this in on the sides.

Bring it on, I mean in!

...and after the pins went in the fabric, the dress got a new life and got all stitched up.

Almost wear time!

My dress was perfect for a little leisurely walk by Los Angeles Pond, aka, the faux fountain, water spitting lake at The Grove, Los Angeles' shopping mecca that happens to be just a few blocks from my casa.

Day 241 - After

The dress totally made me feel like I was on vacation and even though I tried closing my eyes really hard and clicking my wedges together, I did not get whisked away to Hawaii. I did get whisked to the movie theater for an evening screening of Salt.

ECU! (Extreme Close-Up!)ECU! (Extreme Close-Up!)

And then I fist pumped in celebration...

Steppin' Up

...of the poster next to my theater which may or may not have also included some shoulder leans as I danced to the music in my head.