Day 259. 106 days and $107 lefttogo.

So, I love the black and white color palette... Day 259 - Before

This piece totally reminded me of an MC Escher piece full of tessellations...

MC Escher Masterpiece!

...and I wanted to make it look fab without the frump!

I decided to take the puppy apart!! Grabbed my seam rippers and began taking out the seams that kept the top and bottom part of the dress together.

Taking the top off!

Just a little bit of elbow grease...

Almost gone!

...and the dress was in half!

Two Piece!!

I pinned the bottom of my new top and began stitching down the raw edging.

Closing up shop!!

I wasn't finished yet though... When the top was complete, I decided to turn the shirt around as there were buttons all up and down it. I unbuttoned the top three, folded the edges under and wore the back as the front.

Day 259 - After

The loose, soft (this fabric is delish), comfy top was exactly the thing to wear to quickly see the F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S (intentional misspell :) - cue the Lil' Mo song here!) JW...

Me and my JW :)

...before enjoying a little celebratory pic with birthday gal NXC.


Twas a lovely Saturday eve!!


First off, the fishies are going to be swimming upstream to Veronica and Ashley - emails just got shot your way! Thanks to all of you for entering and I have to keep these giveaways a-comin so everyone wins!!

I alluded to it yesterday, but this week's giveaway is what I'd like to call my Eat Pray Love pack.


Whether you've read Elizabeth Gilbert's book or not or saw Julia Roberts in the movie this weekend (I'm going tomorrow with the girls...will document my Sunday Galday), the feeling is all about finding yourself, realizing dreams and the search for inspiration. This blog has been my "eatpraylove" this past year, as I've been enlightened beyond imagination.

I've never been to Bali (but must at some point), I enjoy a good bowl of pasta and I journal religiously...the trifecta of the winning prize! My favorite Barilla wheat pasta (EAT), the best journal from Pearl River Mart in NY (PRAY), a little drawstring pouch crafted from a ripped vintage dress with a soon to be embroidered heart on it (LOVE) as well as H2O Plus Bali Breeze Sugar Scrub and Moisture Gloss to bring you to Indonesia with just the whiff after using.

Yay Prize!!

The runner-up gets another embroidered heart pouch and a Burt's Bees travel pack for your trip abroad or to your BFF's for a slumber party.

Yay Runner Up Prize!!

Leave a comment below and two winners will be picked via this Friday, 8/20!! Like the others, I don’t discriminate, so no matter where you are (US or Siberia) I’ll send it out your way!

Anyone have an amazing EPL story or picture of something inspirational? Email them my way ( and I'll post a bunch this week. Let's share the eating, the loving and the praying :)