Coming off the wings of a lovely, warm, summery weekend, I thought this would be the perfect, lightweight piece to use for my Monday. Ring in the week with some sunshiny rays, right?
WRONG!!! No sun today friends...just some clouds, rain, and cool temps to start the week off! Unfortunately I had to go to work instead of staying in my cozy bed, lounging in pj's, and catching up on Mad Men and Dexter while drinking my favorite Chai Latte mix from Trader Joe's :)
In prepping this ensemble, there was just a bit too much going on. Too much ribbon detail and jagged yellow/white overload. I thought that going from dress to top would do just the trick, so I cut it in half.
Next came the sleeves - no more super flare but a more slight flare in going short. Again, I was thinking we were going to be getting some hot, hot, heat, so clearly I was going for the drafty, sweat-free look.
I got both sleeves cut...
...and got the sewing machine out. Had to create a new hem and take care of the edges of the sleeves. The body of the dress fit like a glove, so we didn't need to take anything in!
After putting in some yellow thread, I tweaked my piece and was ready to go!!
Somehow I slept through the sounds of the rain overnight and woke up ready to wear my thin, lightly colored top complete with sandals thinking we were still in 80 degree mode. There was a quick stop home at lunch to make a footwear change and to snag some layers when I quickly realized how wrong I was!
And in less than 24 hours, we went from warm, halter dress wearing Marisa to bundle up like it's November in boots and jackets. Yes, that's an 's', we were in multiple layers today!
Looks like I have to rework the ensembles that I had planned for the first few days this week...rain is on the agenda and open toed shoes with flowy dresses are Seacrest, out.