Now, there really aren't any words that I can use to describe this in the way it deserves. A picture's worth a thousand words, right?
I literally think that this was a wedding dress. A country western wedding dress...
I'm not getting married yet, but when I do, I'm not doing it in fringy-lace.
So this collar...I'm taking the entire thing off!!
Those gold edges are not going to find a place anywhere on my bod. OK, question, you wear this through airport security...does the sensor go off? I'm thinking yes.
Next up...those sleeves. Sheer lace sleeves?? Again, not going to find a place anywhere on my bod. Grabbed my scissors and got chopping.
Now to that fringy-lace trim at the bottom of the dress. Read the caption on the pic below and you'll see where I'm going next.
That's right, that skirt has gots to go!! Seam ripper in hand with the assistance of my scissors, both the lace and the fringe trim were completely removed.
Now the final spot to be handled is the front and the diagonal fringe right above the boobs. The seam ripper took out all the stitches that were holding this not so cute accent in place, thank goodness! I removed the fringe...
...was left with a gaping hole...
...and stitched it all back in place! I also mended the arm holes as well as gave the bottom of the dress a new hem.
With the addition of a red sash and some fun red and gold jewelry on my wrists, I had my NEW & IMPROVED, non-wedding, non-western dress, ripe for West Hollywood.
It's like a whole new ensemble...any remnants of it's former self, completely gone!!
Maybe I did have "Rhinestone Cowboy", "Jolene" (as a little Dolly shout out), and Faith Hill's "Monday Night Football" song stuck in my head for a bit today, but it was just nostalgia related...the fringe had left the dress but wasn't completely out of my mind.
And, I just couldn't resist a little sneaky photo op in front of my matching vintage vehicle on the street. We both chose to be in white after Labor Day - clearly we're the rebellious ones.