Day 350. 15 days and $18 left to go.

Now this muumuu feels like summer...rainbows, Otter Pops, and 80 degree weather.  I was inclined to go this route because shockingly, Los Angeles was warm, real warm this mid-November day.  I want to savor the temps before they're gone! Day 350 - Before

The view from the back...

The other side of the rainbow...

I'm totally okay with the fact that I look like a bag of Skittles...

Taste the rainbow!

...but somewhere over the rainbow, a super cool outfit exists in this muumuu/scrubs/nightshirt combo.

To start off, I'm turning the piece around and making the back the front and the front the back.  As the front of the piece was zippered, I thought it would work better on the opposite end especially as I'm turning this into a halter!  I know, I know...I'm taking this weather and going all the way.

I used the yellow stripe as my marker to cut on each side of the front dress...

Follow the lines...

...and had the beginnings of the halter coming to fruition.

Both sides trimmed!

I turned the piece around, cut a straight line where the zippered area ended, and got rid of the sleeves.

The new back!!

Pinned under the raw edges in the front and back to get ready to sew and then folded under an inch and a half from the top of the dress.  This is to save space for the ribbon I'm going to put in to use as a tie around my neck.

Prepping the halter!!

I also took a bit in on each side to make it a little more fitted.

Dress is almost ready!

After sewing the edges, I added a belt and put in a long red ribbon at the saved space at the neck and my dress was ready for the warmth and the rays.

Day 350 - After

Huge difference from the beginning!  I loved my new sundress and can't wait to wear it again in June :)  I'm planning for winter plaids at some point next week...

From the back...

At least I look like a chic bag of Skittles now!