Day 352. 13 days and $16 left to go.

Mint green chiffon today!!  Love the color, love the material,  do not love the current state of this dress!! Day 352 - Before

More on the love side of things - I totally feel like a grasshopper in this!  Not the jumpy little creature, but more along the lines of the delicious pie!


It's time to get crackin' to make this dress start-off-the-week-worthy!!

Sleeves?  First thing on the agenda to get worked out.  Seam ripper, check.  Seam on the sleeves, check.  Seam ripper+seam on the sleeves = later sleeves!

Seam ripping those sleeves!

Once the sleeves were gone, I trimmed off the collar and the ties because I'm going to show a little collarbone today!  Perhaps some shoulder, and definitely some upper back.  It's hot out still...what can I say!

I'm obsessed with the rhinestoned/blingy buttons and I had to salvage those - they're not going anywhere!!

Cut & Pin!

I began pinning under the material to prepare a new seam for my currently strapless number.  I didn't want to keep it fully strapless and I wanted to bring a bit more color out, so I brought in a little bit of red.

Heart the buttons!

I took a red elastic belt (yes, that's a belt around my neck), pinned it in the front of the dress on the left side then brought it around my neck and then pinned it to the right side to form a halter.

Day 352 - After

Because I actually want to wear that belt again, I just safety pinned it to the dress for today's wearing purposes.  I have to go grab some replacement red elastic from Michael's during my next trip to the craftstravaganza!!  I took the belt used on Day 139...

Belt from Day 139!!

...and added it to the color palette to make the dress seem less holiday, as I got someone mention how Christmasey it looked.


The elastic around the neck made it fun and playful all while actually doing a job of keeping the piece held up!  Loved the way the dress swished as I walked as well...  I felt ready to be in a dance number, just like Ginger Rogers.

Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, dance on air!

Will have to see what I can do about recreating her number.  Must say, those sleeves are a-maze-ing!!