Week 45: Margie Part II

So, today's piece was a continuation of Margie's sweater from two days ago. Week 45: Margie Part II - Before

The final piece looked a bit like this...

The first piece...

...but I wasn't going to stop there because there were some remnant sleeves to play with!

I was left with two of these puppies...

Leftover Sleeves!

Leftover sleeves have a plethora of possibilities, but it's been cold so I knew exactly what I was going to do with them!!

To make a fab pair of legwarmers (yes, legwarmers!!) I tried the sleeves on my legs and pinned them in the areas that needed to be taken in.  I turned the sleeve inside out, pinned the excess and stitched away!

Pin & Stitch

My new, rockin', legwarmers!!  I have to say, it made me get back into ballet mode and I stretched like crazy tonight!!

Leg Warmers!!

The chenille knit is so cozy that the warmers are going to stay on my legs all night long!  (I had an electric blanket that I became oh, so fond of, but then started getting freaked out after reading the side effects thanks to eHow's article...too much extra electromagnetic energy = no bueno!)

I may or may not have been doing pirouettes in my living room...

Week 45: Margie Part II - After

...Black Swan is coming out on DVD, thanks to the 17 commercials I saw for it tonight, so I was getting in the prima ballerina spirit, just sans the crazy contacts and back scratching.