Week 44: Holy Sweater Tweak!

I don't know about the rest of you but I've been getting super steamed as of late dealing with these... Holy Sweater!

Holes!!  I came across five sweaters that had these little bites in them that have all gone into a plastic bin for safekeeping until I have time to repair.  However, I had been wanting to try this method since last week's leg warmer creation...

I had this cute argyle sweater that's been in my collection for a bit, except I came across a few holes in the band by the waist as well as on the back of it when I finally got it out to wear.  Instead of trying to stitch these up, I went a different route.  I took off the sleeves!!


There were lots of these all over and I had hit my melting point!!

Holes, blerg!!!

Once I took the sleeves off, I turned them inside out, put them back on my arms and pinned the area that I wanted to stitch to make them tight and fitted.  I needed some fingerless gloves to keep my hands/arms warm when typing!!

Pinned and sewed!

Post stitching, I went to the cuff of the sleeve and began to take out a few of the stitches on the seam to make a hole for my thumb.

A little bit o'seam rippin!

I had one hole prepped, then I went to the other sleeve to do the same!

Le hole!

After these little tweaks, I had my 'work gloves' ready!!  Construction workers have theirs, gardeners have theirs, and now bloggers have theirs :)

Perfect for Blogging!!

I scrunched them a bit to make them look like leg warmers...


...and I stretched them out to cover my elbows for when I lay on the floor and type.  These elbows have been digging into berber carpet for way too long!!


It was all about the hands today...

I <3 You!!

...so when I got a peek of the nails on my server's hands at dinner, I knew my post would be complete :)  ES, JS and myself had to take multiple looks at the talons which were legit, 3D, multi colored bows.

I mean...

...and I thought my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle nails over Halloween were something else!!