Thrift Store Faves!

I've been getting a bunch of emails asking where some of the best thrift stores are and some of you said how helpful it would be to know other readers' faves, especially when traveling! So, if there are spots that you're totally obsessed with, let me know!!  I'll put together a handy list so when any of you are heading to Toronto (Amber - we'll get some great spots together for your next trip!) or Tucson, you'll have some legit go-to favorites!

I took a trip to Solvang which is this fab little town about an hour and a half outside LA.


For those of you who saw Sideways, it's the lovely wine stop where Paul Giamatti got wasted :)  It feels like Disneyland!  The buildings are all Danish themed from bakeries with delish pastries to cheese shops and windmills.


Of course, amidst all the driving through the vineyards...

The rolling landscape!

...I had to stop at a thrift store my eagle eyes picked up on from the side of the street!

Helping Hands!!

People Helping People Thrift Store was what we found.  There were a bunch of clothing racks and shoes, but I was drawn more to the jewelry counter.

The Jewelry!!

All the proceeds go to fund the People Helping People charity which made it even better.

Full of donations!

Address details:

1980 Old Mission Dr # C2 Solvang, CA 93463-2262 (805) 686-9897

Leave your favorites below or email me -!  We'll continue to compile an amazing master list of thrift store 'musts'!