I'm using a little red velvet today!!
Theresa sent this out my way - "I see this as a holiday skirt or something for Valentine's Day. Right now there is a button missing but the skirt is in very good shape."
Let's get the skirt trimmed and that button fixed!!
First step to this process today is going short!! I began to cut about a foot from the bottom of the dress. I'm thinking about going the knee length route!
From that excess material at the bottom, I stole a button to put up top!!
Woo, button!!
I did a quick hand stitch to affix the button, however use a safety pin if you'd like - whatever's easiest for you!! I have an endless supply of safety pins in my 'disaster kit' in my purse. Sad thing is, is that I don't have a real disaster kit in case of earthquakes here in Cali. Must get on that soon - thread and double stick tape won't help in that situation!!
I got my button fixed and did a quick hem at the bottom of the dress and then added a ruffled white and red polka dotted shirt and some slingback heels before rolling over to cooking club!!
It was French themed tonight...coq au vin, apple tartin, soup au pistou, dijon potatoes, and a spinach salad courtesy of me. Love how mine was the least Frenchy themed :) It was divine - we celebrated the engagement of MW and learned a fab trick to grate ginger!! (Freeze it, then grate it...and, you can keep it in the freezer!! Courtesy of Rachael Ray via MW).
We deemed it one of our best themes...we've got a five ingredients or less theme next month. Suggestions will most greatly be appreciated!! Oh, and I had to take a pic of the shoes...
It tied together the whole 50s-esque theme and it matched my black frames!!