Week 26: Unitard City

I came across this atrosh piece and just couldn't pass up.  I spent $1 and looking back I think this one is a piece where I should have bargained to get it a little lower.  Thoughts? Week 26: Unitard - Before

Clownish, sure.  Bold and bright, absolutely.  A ski-unitard, totes.  Something I can't imagine anyone wearing, ding, ding, ding! I'm totally determined to make this work because neon pink is totally the rage.

Pink Lady!

If Rihanna can do it, I'm gonna try my hand.

It's scissor party time!!

Off with the legs...

One off...

Off with the wrists...

One down...

Since I basically removed the crazy paisley material, we were getting closer!  I trimmed a straight line across the bottom of the piece to remove the crotch and to give it a straight edge.  This was straight up spandex, yo, so the cutting was super easy.  I left the arms longer, so they'd hit me at the wrists, and pretty much had the piece ready to go.  It was already cinched with elastic at the waist for shape, so the rest of the material just hung low.

Feel free to hem the bottom, leave raw...I ended up taking some fabulous Fray Check and dabbed that on the edges as a quick fix.  Because the shirt is oh, so bold, I paired it with a fitted black blazer, a vintage purse from Goodwill (scored for $3!!) that had pinks and reds in it, which flowed with the shirt...

Week 26 - After

...my skinnies (a new score at the Levi's store - clearance for $14.99), and some black flats to complete the look.

I gave myself a movie night and left my apartment for the evening after being cooped up and working inside all day.  (I took advantage of being outside and channeled my inner ninja!)  No wonder my doctor said I have to start taking Vitamin D since I'm slightly deficient...

Week 26 - After

I hit the theater, snagged a soda and got to my seats with a pack of Reese's Pieces and Junior Mints that I threw in my purse from home.


So nice to get out and chill for a few hours.  Plus, because it felt fall-ish the jacket was the perfect complement.

Tomorrow's outfit is back on track, courtesy of one of you guys...I just couldn't resist this one when I saw it :)