Week 22: Stephanie

One of my favorite bloggers, Steph at Those Tricks was gracious enough to send in a fabu piece to remake. Before you check it out, here's the note card attached...

Key to my heart theme song!

She knows me so well...The Golden Girls are my favorite foursome!!

The piece she chose looked just like this.

Week 22: Stephanie - Before

Straight out of Blanche Devereaux's closet, right?

This piece is totally going to garner me a couple of things when I'm through with it!!  Today, I'm focusing on the neck.

Close up, it looks just like this...

Close up!!

I've made a black and white pic below to see the extreme detail - there's this awesome fabric applique stitched at the top and I'm going to take it off for some seriously awesome neck wear.

See the detail?!

I began to trim the applique from the rest of the dress with scissors.

Trim, trim, trim!!

It was an easy trim because it fell right on the seam.  Once the snipping was complete, I was left with this...

Le fin!!

I just loved the look of this - felt like an arrowhead made out of blue silk!

Arrowhead City!!

I took a grey t-shirt and a cardigan and added the new neck piece on top!  If it were cooler out, this would be the most perfect accessory to pair on top of a tank top.  The bold pop of blue is the best part!!

Week 22: Stephanie - After

It's holiday week and as a good friend, I did some airport shuttle duty this evening.  Even though I'm not going anywhere, I had to pose with the suitcase.

Airport time!!

There's something about an airport, especially during the holidays.  When I was in college, getting to go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas was the biggest treat for me because I got to see family, sleep in my own bed, eat a home cooked meal...  Even though I haven't traveled during this time for a bit, the feeling has stayed with me and it makes me happy to see people hustling and bustling about, knowing that many of them are getting to be with family.

Windy time at LAX!!

Golden Girls garment turned neck piece for today!!  Can't wait to rock a few more things out of this blue dress...stay tuned!!

Steph, thank you for this amazing piece :)  You're the best!