Week 17: Holiday Haps

I hope everyone is recovering well from the relaxing (hopefully) weekend!! I got amazing photos sent my way - my favorite was this winner that JS sent with his lovely cousin holding up a vintage homemade Christmas stocking crafted in the early 80s.


Absolutely amazing!!

I was in a food coma for most of the day but took some outside photos of the LA landscape...

 Christmas in Los Angeles!

Lights around the palm trees never ceases to amaze!  Or the random parade consisting of a semi truck with lights...

Hello semi!


Truck o'festiveness!

...dancing ladies...

Dancing ladies!!

...and Santa sitting in a train car.

Choo choo Santa!

A totally fun holiday!!

Today's giveaway is probably one of my favorite scents out there - Banana Republic's CLASSIC.

Day 26 Giveaway Goodies

It's kind of musky and less floraly, but one I wear on the regular!

To win, leave a comment below of your earliest childhood memory...we got to chatting about things we did as kids over the weekend and this topic always leads to humorous stories!!  I called Sesame Street's "Big Bird", "Bee Dot" for a long time as a kid and this is one that A, I don't understand, and B, totally remember.

The winner will be chosen tonight (12/27) and mentioned in the post on (12/28).  Congratulations to rojopaul for winning the Harry Potter goodies and EmiG for winning the Kodak Easy Share camera!!