Week 12: Brittney

Greetings from... Phoenix!!

The road trip kicked off today and I brought LA with me on the road...

My mobile office!!

I got to work on my edits from the comforts of the passenger's seat :)  The cup holder on my tray table is awesome to hold coffee and Vitamin Water, but for my sequins that will make an appearance shortly, I can't wait for this to be their little cross country home.

I figured it would be fun to have hand-stitchable projects with me while on the road to give me little breaks in-between chunks of writing.  When I got this amazing hand knitted rose from Brittney, I knew it would make a cute (and quick) road trip project!

Knit Rose!

Brittney sent a few other pieces which will come back at some point, but here's what she said about the rose...

"I just decided to send you this rose that I knit.  I made a hat as a Christmas present for a friend and I was trying out different flowers for decoration.  I decided on a differet one, but I bet you can find a use for this :)  I have been following NDAD ever since you were featured on Yahoo, and I love finding each new post in my inbox.  So, I will leave you to your creating!"

This rose is a wonder to me because I'm still stuck in basic scarf phase.

With this scenery to my right and left...

Quartzsite Cactus!

...I took a break to do a little bit of sewing.  With a needle, thread, and a pinback, I was going to make this flower a new accessory for my cardigan.

Knit rose + proper tools

After an easy stitch in-between the holes in the pin back I had my piece of flair!!


This road tripping is even better when you can meet up with friends along the way.  One of my favorite people, DL, resides in Phoenix so we were able to catch up over Mexican!  )I got to chat with her and my dad got to chat with one of his work buddies - margaritas for everyone!!)

DL in the house!!

I loved that this little pin was the first thing crafted on this journey because I will always associate it with Road Trip 2012: Day 1!! (Thank you Brittney!)


I will also associate Day 1 with showing up at the wrong hotel location (right chain though!) and wrong dinner location (right chain though!) as well.  Two total Marisa blunders.

Yeah, I googled the hotel in a dodgy wi-fi spot right by Blythe, CA and thought that the first location that was brought up was correct.  Unfortunately it was the only location that came up on my search.   When I began to check in, the lovely gentleman at the desk of the mistaken spot kindly said I was at the wrong crash pad.  He called the accurate location to make sure the reservation was in fact made, which it was, and when I arrived to the right hotel, the lovely check-in gal said she was sorry about my blunder and gave us an upgrade!!  Tonight's mistake gave us a room with two bathrooms, holler!!!