I had a fun little errand/catch up Sunday which had me in my car for most of the afternoon. Best part of the day was coming across a lemonade stand run by two very fashion savvy gals, Julia and Nytalya. The one exception was that there was no lemonade but yummy M&M cookies and duct tape wallets instead. Hello, lemonade stand of my dreams that doesn't even include lemonade!! I mean...
Budding entrepreneurs, selling very crafty wallets and delish snacks on the sidewalk = perfect way to end a day of running around. I'm going to have to check back with my new amigas next weekend. I snagged a wallet for myself but may have to snag another to giveaway here!!
Today's creation comes from my gal Val (hey, that rhymes!) who decided to make over two separate pieces and wear them together. (Love that pairing!!) This is what she wrote...
"I have been reading your blog for a while now, and I was particularly inspired a while back when you dyed a lacy shirt. I decided to try it out myself with an old coffee stained vintage shirt that I found for fifty cents at an antique store.
I also had an XXL large dress that I bought for a Halloween costume a while back, and I decided that these two should come together!
Time to mesh together these two puppies! I initially had it in mind to just sew the top lacy part of the shirt into the (huge!) neck of the dress and just take it in a couple inches. My seamstress skills are still developing, and I just couldn't get it to look quite right as a dress, so I chopped, took it in a bit more, and made it into a shirt! I decided to just leave the edges raw at the bottom because it was a jersey fabric and didn't seem like it would fray.
To finish off, I took the large amount of fabric I had leftover over from the dress and strategically chopped it to make some "yarn"...
...which is what I used to crochet the flower embellishments on the bodice area.
It took me the better part of a morning and afternoon to get all this done, and I could definitely stand to brush up on my sewing, but I am pretty happy with the result.
Thanks for inspiring me to take the plunge!"
I'm glad you took the plunge Val - so happy I was able to assist with the little arm floaties :)