Week 6: SXSW Pt. II

It's post time!  When I saw this dress at the $1 pile sale, I knew it had to be mine specifically for Texas.  It had a western-ish feel to it and was going to look perfect with my vintage boots, however it needed a bit of help.  (PS, the pattern had flowers and birds on it which made it even awesomer.  Yep, I said it, awesomer.) SXSW: Day 1- Before

To the rescue we go...

Collar removal!

Seam rippers, check!!

I began to remove the small bow and the ruffle around the neck - I trimmed an inch in the center of the ruffle and undid the seams that were keeping the ruffle in place.

Center cut!

I still want to use this fabric, but need to make some neckline adjustments.  Once the the ruffle was detached, I snipped a straight line (around three inches in length) down the center of the dress starting at the neck.  I peeled under each side to create a V and began pinning the removed ruffle to each side of the V.  There was just enough ruffle to make it about half way, so I needed more!!  Guess where I'm getting it??

Off with the frilly sleeves!

From sleeves to neckline...

New frilly collar!

I pinned the sleeve material on top of the ruffle from earlier for a more pronounced neckline.

Because the waist was a bit stretched out, I opened a little slit in the side seam...

Waist tweak!

...pulled out the elastic and trimmed about four inches off...

Elastic grabbin!

...went back to the bow material that was removed earlier...

Repurposing the neck bow!

...trimmed the bow in half pinning each piece to the end of the elastic, and then stitched in place.  I now have a bow/elastic/drawstring waistline!

Old bow, new belt of sorts!

I stitched the raw edges at the end of the sleeves and worked on tacking down the new neck.

Sew down!

Dress is totally Texas ready!!  I got to meet up with one of my BFFs, JS, who was in town for work.  Couldn't resist a little hand action outside the Driskill Hotel.

Hook em'

The dress feels way more current now and I even got complimented by a gal asking if I found it in Austin!  I scored some freebie faux-Wayfarers at the Google/YouTube show...

That's neon yellow on the sides of these puppies!

...and took pics with my new robot friends.

Hanging with the Google bot!

Spending the day on the rooftop of a parking structure listening to great bands is pretty rad.  Spending the day using one of 25 Porta Potties found in the same parking structure is not so rad!

Beth Ditto!

From one show to the next...

Rooftop Jams!

En route, this happened.

My favorite duo of the day

My day was pretty much complete after this sighting. I just needed to try to not get blown over by the Texas winds!

gif creator
Gif creator

More tomorrow!