Week 4: Tie It Up Tuesday!

It's been a super busy past few days, so apologies for the lack of blog posts.  Let's see...I've been hustling and pulling all nighters getting the copyedited manuscript ready to turn in (woo for fedexing first thing tomorrow morning!), packing again for another trip to Texas tomorrow for a super fun project that will be utilizing the below set... Virtual workspace!

...and shooting a little video that someone very cool will be showing/airing in a few days.  Everything is still kinda hush, hush, so as details arise, I will share them all with you guys, my online family :)

I'm pretty much a character in The Walking Dead right now - the human with zombielike tendencies (bumping into things/bags under the eyes/on the prowl looking for sleep instead of blood) - however I carved out a two hour break this weekend to get hungry and hit up the games (I thought the movie held up well!)

To thank you for your patience, I'm giving away some spring-ish scarves to ring in the new season!!

Scarf Party!

Leave a comment below with the one thing you're most excited about for the upcoming spring/summer season and five winners will be picked randomly.  Congrats to Barb who won the copy of Mend It Better!

I'm excited for a fun site relaunch and countdown to when the book comes out.  Daily blogging will be back in effect and I couldn't be more excited!!