Week 4: Breanne's NDAD Creation

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend from those celebrating Passover to those enjoying Easter!  I made these bad boys for a little gathering with some good friends.  (Used that Laffy Taffy trick again for those bunny ears!) Easter goodness!

Breanne's outfit was fitting to post as it was her holiday ensemble!

"I've been doing my own revamps since I found your website last year.  My mom and I have been hitting the local thrift yard sale every other month and always get a bag full for $3!  My latest shouts spring!  They say April shower bring May flowers and I'm ready for MAY!  

Breanne - Before

Ready to see how Miss B Easter-fied this dress? The elastic waist on the dress was a little tight so I cut into the little pocket the elastic ran through and cut it loose.  Next, I removed the sleeves and collar and then I took about 5 inches off the bottom and hemmed that.  The original buttons had faded to a weird purple color so I replaced them with some new clear ones I had on-hand.  I put on a white cami underneath it and added a brown belt!

Breanne - After

Weather permitting, this will be my Easter outfit!"

Love what you did Breanne!!  Keep those remakes coming!!