So, I'm in crazy need for supply storage! I've been compiling ribbons, paints, excess fabric, shoulder pads, and other assorted goodies over these past few months into bags and am finally sorting by item! It's about time, y'all! I have my buttons, beads, thread, glue gun/glue sticks, and dyes tidy but the rest of my supplies are a hot mess. To continue getting organized, I decided to take some old shoeboxes that I was going to recycle and make them my new storage bins. They were an assorted bunch of colors, so I decided to get Krylon paint happy and spray them all a uniform shade of pink!!
I totally got into it...just call me Banksy Jr.
They took up most of my workspace as they dried, so I had to pass on the sewing machine today. I can't wait to label and get them filled with my stash o'crafts! Photos will come as soon as they're ready!
Speaking of a stash, I'm giving away some amazingly fun crafty samples that were provided by awesome reader DJ (she's a sales rep who's sharing lots of fun goodies with us!) There are two books (one with silk projects and a felting how-to), a batch of fabric samples, a fabric yo-yo maker, a flexi-needle threader, and a travel sized Best Press (no-starch alternative) spray. Fun assorted items to really get your craft on!
To enter, leave a comment below with a good storage/organizational idea/plan/thought and a winner will randomly be picked this Friday (4/27). On top of my crafting and sewing supplies I'm finally getting my apartment organized. My amazing cousin MP in Ft. Worth had an awesome wine rack that was attached to the wall - I need that stat to clear up floor space with my bottles!