170 Days to Go: Giveaway Wednesday!

So, there ended up being a whole lot of fabric samples that I received, so I'm giving more away this week!  Fun, bold fabrics, Velcro and a handy sew kit to add to your collection. New Dress a Day - Giveaway - Fabric Samples - Velcro - 171

Congrats to Abr0893 for winning last week's stash!  For these goodies, as Mother's Day is around the corner and I just started making my mom a necklace inspired by the Anthropologie LOVE one I made yesterday (we already talked about this on the phone today, so she's totally privy), leave a comment below with a great Mother's Day gift you've given/received/DIY'ed.  I was talking to some friends today who were at a loss of what to do, so I figured I'd ask the totally brilliant/creative readers to share thoughts.  A winner will randomly be chosen by the weekend!!