133 Days to Go: Heidi's NDAD Creation

This was one where I too became obsessed with the fabric asap.  Just read along to see how my gal Heidi describes it because I totally concur!

Inspired by your blog, here is one of my transformations.  I transformed a skirt into a dress - it was really simple and took very little work.  The reason why I'm not pictured in a "before" is because the waist was too small on the skirt.  I’m always apprehensive about buying things at Goodwill because they’re usually in the $4 range, and sometimes require a lot of work, but the print on this dress was way too fun.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - Goodwill Skirt - Before - 133

What exactly is it?  Dancing women and men in 90s business attire?  Whatever it was, I wanted it on my body. 

New Dress A Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - Goodwill - Dancing People Fabric - 133

I want it on my body too!!  Let's see where Heidi takes this!!

She removed the zipper and re-sewed the seam seam.  From there it was pretty simple. I folded the top over about an inch and pinned it, prepping it for the elastic.

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The guy on the right next to the seam is my favorite.  Ha, me too!!  Anyway I sewed it down, leaving room for elastic to enter, threaded the elastic through the seam, then sewed the elastic in tight.

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Next I grabbed a black ribbon (about two inches thick) that I’ve had for years and wrapped it around the fabric to create a high waistline.   Since the ribbon moved around, I sewed it onto the dress - this also gives it a more professional feel."

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I've already worn it out to do errands!"

New Dress A Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - After Shot 1 - 133

How super cute do you look Heidi!!  Love the whole thing from the cute dancers on the fabric to the black ribbon sash!!  Way to rock that skirt into a dress, girl!  Read more from Heidi here!