After a Halloween trip to Goodwill a few weeks ago where their "Halloween" rack was something that my "normal" rack would look like...
...I came across this..
A fab bamboo tray!!
I was totally inspired by this vintage tray and loved the inset designs on the bottom...
...that I decided to make something with a little more flair!!
I went to my tape stash and grabbed a roll of Scotch Blue Painters Tape and started crafting a little chevron design on the bottom of the tray.
I thought this would be an easy design to make, just because of the straight lines. It was this or some stripes, so I went with this!!
With my tape in place, I picked my paint! I thought a gold glitter would be perfect, and totally holiday-appropriate as well (I know I'll be toting treats to upcoming holiday parties). Martha Stewart's Coarse Gold Glitter Paint was my choice...
...and I painted in-between all the lines! To make the coloring a bit stronger, I gave the tray four coats to really get the glitter down.
Once I finished painting, I let the tray sit and dry overnight.
Once the paint was completely dry, it was time to get peeling!! Kinda reminiscent of peeling dried glue from my hands in art class when I was a kid...
My new tray was looking a little something like this...
I'm already loving how it looks!! And, it'll still be perfect whether it's carrying treat bags, or my dinner into my living room when I must watch/eat Revenge
An upcycled project using three main ingredients, I'm liking those numbers!!
I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing holiday weekend!! Back to the grind we go :)