This project that Cassandra Marie submitted is so amazing!!
I love following your blog and seeing you take some of the most atrocious clothes and remake them into adorable and wearable outfits has inspired me to do the same for myself and my family. I've remade a couple items, but this is the one that I'm most proud of!! Going through my fabric bins (yes, bins) a few days ago I stumbled across two old pajama tops my husband was gifted and never worn.
I thought they'd be perfect material for pajamas for my 10 month old son because he has grown out of almost everything we have and, well, money is tight. The less money we spend the better!
I agree with that CM!! Let's see what she does...
I took an old pair of my son’s sweat pants, folded them in half and traced on the sleeve of the pajama top, using the existing arm seam as the outer seam of the bottoms. I used the shirt cuff for the ankle cuff on the pants - less sewing, yay!
I pinned and sewed them together keeping in mind my sewing lessons from a Home Ec class I took about 12 years ago. (You know, most schools don't even offer a Home Ec class anymore!)
Then I folded the top over about an inch and sewed a tube for the elastic to slide through, put the elastic in and sewed the ends together. Voila, an adorable pair of flannel pajama bottoms for my son!
Pants in action!!
I plan on making him a top to go with them, but I know I'll butcher that pics :)
I can't even begin to say how much I adore this project! Not only is it completely adorable, it's SO resourceful. I just see how quickly all my friend's kids grow, so I can only imagine how fast clothes are outgrown. This is a perfect way to use those pieces that aren't getting any love and making them into things that can be worn constantly! You have enough leftover to make another pair when your son gets a little bigger too. Way to go Cassandra Marie!