I had another fun day of crafting with my girl Sonya Nimri, and we decided to try to remake Anthropologie's Looped Buds Cardigan...
...because we had the perfect thrifted sweater to use!
The floral print kind of looked similar to this speckled knit sweater (from afar) so we decided to try to make it work!!
We had some canvas ribbon that we decided to paint to make a similar color like the ribbon on the Anthro sweater!
We used Tulip's Fabric Spray Paint...
...and did some mixing and matching.
The color was a bit more orange than melon...
...but we thought it would still work out! We hung it on a line to dry...
...and then began to affix to the sweater. Because the color wasn't perfect, we opted to just weave instead of stitch down. We figured we'd have the sweater ready to shoot after we worked on it and if we weren't into it, we could start it all over again.
We weaved the sleeves...
...and weaved the back of the sweater...
...to have it turn into this!!
The essence of the Anthropologie sweater is here, however I'm totally going to go back and re-dye the ribbon a bit more pink, fold the ribbon in half to make it a little skinnier, then stitch the ribbon down. This will make it look WAY better!!
We just loved that we found such a great base piece to work off of that we just had to try this project out!!
We totally had a trial and error craft day which is awesome to really find out what works and what doesn't! Next time you see this piece, it'll look a little bit different :)