So Those Pants...

You saw the pants earlier... New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

...and the amazing up close and personal shot of the velvety material.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

Here's what we decided to do with them.

In order to accommodate the both of us, we decided to make matching projects, however with the leftovers, we can totally start a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants story, passing back top portion as shorts.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

We trimmed one portion of the pants right at the cuff...

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

...and then matched the other side, measuring and cutting off the same amount.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

We're making matching clutches!  To give the bag a little more character, we trimmed a second piece of pant material, took out the seam, and then folded up the edges, to form triangles to go on top of the rectangular section.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

We pinned our triangles, and then took out the seam at the top of the first rectangle.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

We turned the rectangular material inside out and then put and pinned the triangle in-between the material, right sides touching each other.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

We stitched this top section with the triangle edging, and the right side of the bag, leaving the left side open.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

We needed zippers to secure one of the sides and because we only had 9" ones, we opted to leave the zipper on the left side instead of the top of the bag.  (...just in case any of you were wondering why we didn't put the zipper up top.)

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

We sewed the zipper in...

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

...and was almost complete!

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

Now, we had some fab tassels to work with (I scored a bag of 10 for a buck!) so we affixed two to the bottom of the triangle and then added one to the zipper on the left using a jump ring.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

Once we added our flair, the clutch was complete!

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

I wore a pair of Marc Jacobs studded heels (thank you Plato's Closet in CO for offering these pretty much brand new heels to me for $16) along with a black H&M tank and Forever 21 grey jeans to complete my ensemble.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

Yes, that black tank is totally legit.  It was 80 degrees today and I spent a good chunk of time outside soaking in the rays and Vitamin D!!  (Yay for a day without having to take my supplement!)  The UPS dude totally caught me laying on the steps and opted to walk around me to drop off packages, which I totally appreciated.

New Dress A Day - Miss Sixty Striped Velvet Pants - Goodwill

New clutch, check.  New shorts ready to start shooting Sisterhood of the Pants 3: Pants Meet Scissors in, check.  That post will come soon, after our contracts have been negotiated.

Happy Friday, friends!