I love my girl Tracy! She upcycled an awesome dress for her DECA competitions that was featured back in September (click HERE for the refresher) and now there's another piece she's sharing with us. It's totally summer apropos and since spring is offish here, why not start channeling the heat, amiright? Check out her handiwork...
It's almost summer, and here in the Seattle area the days of rain are sometimes broken up by rare days of sunshine. I've been looking for new clothes for those hot days and have been really on the prowl looking for one of those cute, button up, sleeveless blouses. Alas, everything I like is out of my price range. Recently I went to Value Village and the bright pink of this $4 top caught my eye. It's XL and shoulder-padded...
...and my mom gave me a look that said, "what on earth are you doing with that?" (She doubts my skills).
I have full faith in you, Tracy - work it girl! Time to see if mom's mind changed!
After removing the shoulder pads, cutting off the sleeves, and taking in about five inches on both sides...
I think I have a top ready for summer.
I am in cahoots! Such a fab top for summer and the color is perfect on you! I love it paired with white shorts too. Keep the remakes coming Tracy - I can't wait to see what you come up with next! PS, you'll have to share you mom's thoughts with us...I bet she ate her words :)