Happy Tuesday!

I'm finally starting to feel better aside from some lingering throat issues, yay!  It was project catch up by day, and Passover celebration with some of my favorite people by night!  I ended up sticking to warm drinks (hot chocolate, check!), so no Manischewitz for me this year. New Dress A Day - DIY - Passover

But, my mind was totally blown which I saw this!!  How is this the first time I'm seeing chocolate covered matzo??

New Dress A Day - DIY - Passover

I'm taking a bit of a chocolate hiatus until Easter, so I will be partaking in this amazingness over the weekend along with copious amounts of Cadbury eggs.  Oh, and my mind was blown when I saw this recipe on Buzzfeed for DIY Cadbury eggs.

New Dress A Day - DIY Cadbury Eggs - Easter Treats

This is definitely happening in my kitchen soon...just trying to figure out if I should wait until I deplete my actual Cadbury stash or just double fist it with chocolate eggs this weekend.  Mmmm, either way I can't wait.

New remake coming up later today!