I feel like I'm having my lace stage at the moment. I've gotten my hands on a bunch of lacy pieces recently that are making me vurry, vurry happy. This one might just take the cake!
I mean, it's all lace!! I'm not into the excessive collar and it obviously needs something to be worn underneath...
...however I've got a serious crush on it.
First off was handling the collar sitch.
I took a seam ripper and carefully went along the neckline removing the stitches holding the double V collar to the dress.
I finally got it into two pieces!! (I'm going to play around with these leftovers...perhaps a cute little shrug could be created?? You'll see this again soon!)
Even though the shoulder pads were small, they were bugging me because I could see them through the lace! No bueno. Even though the color was the same, I would have totally lined these pads with the lace material to make them blend in.
Anyway, they were quickly removed :)
After removing the collar, because there were some frays leftover in the trim, I stitched around the edging to keep everything in place! I also thought about shortening the dress, however after trying the piece on as it was, I couldn't bring myself to make any further tweaks.
One major adjustment completely removed the dated feeling - it's still feels vintage, but in a totally timeless manner.
I added a purple slip to wear underneath which totally made the lace pop! I don't match the peach lace anymore...well in all areas covered by slip :)
I paired two gold vintage necklaces, a purple clutch, and a pair of metallic Seychelles to round out the ensemble. I wanted to add some bolder accessories to make the dress less Victorian feeling. I could have gone with some cameos, but chose a little more edge instead!
This was my favorite part of the dress...the buttons down the back!! They're like a little present you get to enjoy when I'm turned away from you! (Also, sidenote...this is an awesome way to disengage an unwanted convo with a relentless suitor, say at a bar with friends. "Oh, you just have to see the back of my dress!!")
I love that this piece can be adjusted and worn in a variety of ways just with changing the color of the slip worn underneath. This one might need to come back sooner than later to be re-styled!
How would you have worn it? Share your ideas below...maybe your style choice will get picked for the next wearing!