Happy Tuesday!! I've been doing a bit of spring cleaning and have been coming across things I forgot I had! It's like finding money in the pocket of your newly washed jeans...that never fails to get me excited, no matter how much it is! I came across these coral-colored wooden beads in my sorting and since I haven't worn them in eons - I barely remembered that they existed - I figured they'd be a lovely complement to these fun, floral, costume earrings to giveaway! (The earrings are brand new, BT-dubs...)
To enter, leave a comment below with something that you've found while you've been spring cleaning that got you super excited or something that you've lost that you just can't remember where it went! Maybe it was something that you had no recollection of having, something that ended up getting left in your possession after an old roommate/significant other moved out...or something that just simply vanished.
I remember I had this brown cardigan with a monogrammed "M" on the front of it that somehow just disappeared. I think I have klepto ghosts in my house sometimes when I can't find something. It's like, really ghosts? Can you just give me back the remote? OK, the ghosts don't really exists...just my way of blaming something else for my momentary absentmindedness :)
Also, for all of you guys nearby or in Oklahoma or with family members in the tornado areas, I send all my good thoughts, prayers, and love your way :)