I found this dress and fell in love with the tweed material!
I also loved the large buttons. I'm a button girl - the bigger and more embellished, the better in my book!
I love pockets too, but the pockets on this dress were small and sneaky. Don't try to be a pocket if you're gonna be little, ya hear? I need room!
The shape was totally off BUT the seams were perfectly lined up to transform this into something I'd wear often.
Like REALLY often.
First off I got rid of those shoulder pads. Like the pockets, if you're gonna be small, why bother!?
I mean go big, or go home.
When I first looked at the piece, I immediately thought JACKET! The way the seams were, it just screamed out loud, "turn me into a jacket, girl!"
Yeah, this dress literally screamed to me. That's the kind of relationship I have 😂
I started removing the seams at the waist right off the bat and in my haste, I got an injury.
You might have thought that the seam ripper caused the cut, but no. I was just TOO excited that one of my nails on my left hand cut the knuckle on my right.
Little word of caution...go slowly, friends! That tweed is not going anywhere!
I continued to remove the seams until the top part of the jacket was fully detached!
I created a new hem, pinned down the bottom of the jacket and stitched away!
Once stitching was complete, it was time to rock my new jacket!
I paired the new jacket with a vintage black dress and lace tights for my "this is what I wear in LA when it rains" look.
This would pair so well with a jeans/t-shirt look too!
The big collar really pops now too! I'm totally in love with how this one turned out!