It's Day 25!!! Today's project turned out a little differently than the rest so far which you'll soon see!
The dress was gorgeous...
...but I couldn't quite figure out the added fabric on the right side of the dress...
It just felt so out of place and overly pouffy.
While I have plans for the rest of the dress, I'm going to tackle this extra bit of fabric today. I removed it from the dress and knew that I could make something fab!!
I added it to a dye bath and did some serious hand stitching.
Any thoughts where this is going???????
HELLO new accessory ⬇️⬇️⬇️
I folded the fabric in half and stitched the sides of it to make a cute satchel!
And PS, check out that LACE!!!!!! How incredible is that shade??
You might see me at Trader Joe's toting this to bring home my coffee, Babybels, and chocolate covered almonds !!
For some excess fabric, I am totally digging the outcome of this one!
25 Days Til I Do!