Remake: Blue Checkered Ruffled Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Hi you guys!! Today's piece is SO good. The dress looked like it was straight out of a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical.

I went straight into musical theater mode and gave my best "I'm getting the vapors" look.

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

But, look at those SLEEVES!

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

That collar too...

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

This piece needed some serious help to turn it into something that you don't need to be on a stage to wear!

Before we start, I saw this lovely little tag inside the piece - love when there are little hints of who wore this before me!

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

If I only had time to tag my clothes too...

I started off with the sleeves! Took them a bit shorter and got rid of the tightly cuffed wrist area.

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Next came that skirt!

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

That major ruffle at the bottom was definitely coming off.

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Once the length and arms were shortened, I prepped all of the raw edges before sewing new seams and a new hem.

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

We're almost there! The collar came next. I just wasn't into the lace trimmed edging...

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress with a seam ripper, I took off both sides of the collar. One side down...

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

...and now they're completely off!

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

I pinned the collar back together and stitched a basic seam around the edges to keep it in place before I began to craft a new neckline.

I trimmed a straight line down the center of the piece, using the edge of the square pattern as a guide, then pinned under my trimmed area to form a V, before sewing everything in place.

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Ready for the reveal???

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

From dowdy to fun summer dress!

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

I paired this with some tan booties, my FAVE safari purse (as I like to call it) that my mom found at Goodwill in Charlotte, a vintage belt that came from my dad's high school collection, and a pair of aviators!

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

A big patterned piece made super wearable by pairing it with more neutral shades. It was just the thing for a little summer dinner party complete with brownies.

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

They totally matched my color palette!

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

So did the rosé. I feel like rosé matches everything :)

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

I have to say that I really love the fluttery sleeves the most. Now only if the dress came with pockets!

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Vintage Blue Checkered Dress

Maybe that will be the next addition to this piece because pockets always make things better!

Remake: White Strapless Lace Dress

Hey friends! I'm here, I'm here :) There's been a lot going on which I'll fill you in a bit on later... But in the interim, I have a FABULOUS new piece to share. Take this lace dress:

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

See how pretty it is close up??

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

I scored it at a swap party for nada, but it was originally $25 from Forever 21. So, for a chic cocktail dress, it's really quite budget friendly.

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

And I loved the look, but just wasn't that into the color. My skin is SO fair and as a short dress, this color wasn't doing it for me like I wanted it to.

So, now comes the change. New color, check!!

I took a brand new shade of Rit Dye's new polyester friendly dyes - Blaze - and got my dye pot going!

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

(PS, my new dye pot was a score at Goodwill on half off tag day :) I think I ended up getting it for less than $3 bucks. Total. Score!)

I filled up my pot, brought it to a boil, added my dye and about 1/4 of salt, and put in my pre-wet dress. (Just make sure whatever garment you're dyeing is saturated in water before dyeing. This ensures a smooth color job!)

New Dress A Day - DIY White DressNew Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White DressNew Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

I LOVE that first part when the piece just starts to absorb the colored liquid!

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

I was LOVING the color as it look just a few minutes in! I left the dress in to hang out for another hour before I took it out, rinsed it through, and let it dry.

In ONE EASY STEP (sounds totally infomercial, doesn't it??) this dress became something so much better than it was.

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

I shot this dress in front of LACMA at the "Urban Lights" exhibit by Chris Burden. He just passed away, so the museum has been keeping the lights on all night. It's one of my favorite spots in the city - I turn into a kid swinging on the poles and running through them.

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

But it's incredible seeing how color can change EVERYTHING!

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

It started off a fine cocktail dress that I would have never worn. Now, it's a dress that I can't wait to wear to the next formal event.

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

New Dress A Day - DIY White Dress

Seriously. That color...SO GOOD!!

Remake: Neon Flower Doodle Dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

So this floral print though...

Honestly I think I wore something like this when I was a kid in 1992!

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

The colors were so fun and summery feeling. I can't get enough of these "rainbow sherbet" colors! (PS, who else is a rainbow sherbet fan? I swear I dream about the Baskin Robbins variety at least twice a week!)

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

The thumbs up was me giving myself motivation that this was going to turn out AWESOME!

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

However, those layered pleats at the bottom just might have to say goodbye...

I started with my trusty scissors...

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

...and trimmed off the layered portion of the dress. I began to pin the raw edges of the top to prepare for a quick hem. Also, grab some fabric glue or use stitch witchery and iron the hem if you want to steer clear from the sewing machine!

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

I threaded my machine and stitched away!

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

Ooh, and this is what I was left with...

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

I feel pretty confident that something can still come from the above pile of flowery cotton fabric.

My new top is just the thing for the hot days ahead!

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

The pattern was SO overwhelming with the length and the ruffles, but paring down a bit makes the florals totally wearable and non-headache inducing.

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

With jeans, heels, a little clutch and my big sunnies, this outfit falls right in the center of casual chic!

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

And the beautiful thing about this cotton tank is that it'll work just as well as PJs or a workout top as well! Just all dependent on what you're looking for!

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

It still reminds me of Saved By the Bell but doesn't feel like it could have been a costume of Lisa Turtle's anymore!!

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

Top: Vintage | Jeans: Levis | Shoes: Nine West | Clutch: Vintage | Sunnies: Urban Outfitters

New Dress A Day - vintage dress

New Dress A Day - vintage dress