Remake: Sample Sale Workout Capris

I've been on a workout kick for the past four months - I signed up for Classpass (anyone else a member??) and have been taking all kinds of classes from spin and yoga to TWERKING!! Seriously, there's a class for that (I went with a girlfriend of mine and it was a blast) and I am now ready to take Miley Cyrus on :) I needed some new workout gear, so I went to a Beyond Yoga sample sale to see what I could snag. I grabbed a pair of leggings for $20 then hit the "damaged" area where each item was $2. HELLO GOLDMINE! I love to score pieces from here, because they're usually mildly damaged - nothing that a little elbow grease can't tweak.

Score #1, a fab pair of capris.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

One small issue...there's a HOLE on the front and back leg!

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

Now that's not something that a little stitching can fix...

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

But when a set of pants retail for around $90 (yes, seriously), I go into "make it work" mode to really make them work.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

I mean I guess I could get away with going like this...

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

You know, it would be a new fashion statement! OK, wanna see what I did?

You can see, TAGS STILL ON! These puppies are brand new.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

I'm not a big fan of white pants in general, so I thought that I'd give them a little bit of flair and tie dye them!

I started by immersing them in water to get them super soaked and then rubber banded them in a bullseye style. I started at one end and then banded them to the other with about a 1-ish space in-between. I put on some gloves and was ready to go.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

Tulip makes an awesome 1-step tie dye kit which I used for this project and grabbed two different colors - a turquoise-y blue and a pinkish-purple. I dyed every other section blue and then filled in the alternate spaces with the purplish shade.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

After dyeing, I let my project dry overnight before I rinsed it out with water. Because there was a bit of polyester in the fabric blend, I saw a lot more of the color come out of the garment - this dye isn't polyester specific, but as you'll see shortly it was a milder shade of these colors.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

Now with my new capris dyed, it was time to tackle the big hole. I took a pair of scissors and trimmed the area right about the hole.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

With one leg done, I took the remnant portion and trimmed the other leg.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

Because of the polyester in the fabric, I just let the raw edge fly! There was no fraying so I was totally okay with leaving them as is.

New workout pants complete! Now it's time for a class!

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

Instead of capris, now I'm calling them "over the knees."

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

It's really the perfect length and I LOVE the colors.

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

Such a nice change from what they originally looked like :)

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

Who's down for a Yoga Booty Ballet class? (PS, those are my fave!)

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

New Dress A Day - DIY tie dye workout capris

Anyone else have any workout clothing hacks? I bought a few other pieces that I worked some easy stitching magic on, that I'll show you soon!

Flea Market Find: Glitter Golden Girls Dress

New Dress A Day - vintage glitter dress

New Dress A Day - vintage glitter dress

I came across a total winner this weekend in my shopping excursions. Let's say that this one is something that Blanche Devereux would most definitely wear. And for $1, I couldn't resist. I will become a Golden Girl. :) f

Thoughts, friends?

Also, the glittery bits all over the dress are actual glued clumps of glitter! So one must be careful with the taking on and off of this dress because those clumps of glitter hurt when rubbed against one's body. Let's just say I have a few scratches thanks so these shimmery pals.

But, I've got some plans for this before I wear it Saturday night!

Remake: Pink Striped 90s Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

I've got four words for you. This. Dress. You. Guys.

Loved the pink and white striping, but just wasn't as into the shape or style.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

It was straight 90s, yo! It was also a maternity dress, once I looked at the label. I thought a little tweaking could come to fruition to make this the perfect dress to wear during the September heat wave of Los Angeles.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

I mean it's just waiting for some TLC. TLC, I'm a-coming for you!

To start off, I did some serious trimming. SERIOUS.

Goodbye sleeves! Goodbye collar!

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

I created a little sweetheart neckline as well, pinning under the fabric once I trimmed off the top portion of the dress.

With my new neckline pinned, it was time to stitch it in place and take the bodice in about six inches to make it fit me.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

With the new seams stitched and dress taken in to fit, I trimmed the excess fabric with my pinking shears...

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress give the new edges a zig zag trim to help with fraying.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

Now it was time for straps! I pulled a few trim options...

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

...and pinned and stitched in place.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

For extra waist cinching, I added one of my newest vintage belt additions and was ready for the hot, California afternoon.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

It's my summer candy striper look!

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

I paired my dress with black & white Report flats and a strawberry LeSportsac purse to contrast with the super pastel color palette from my remake.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

Cotton dress to stay cool in during 90 degree weather, check!

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

The 90s are coming back, however I don't think the original dress would have made that cut.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

Kind of obsessed with this before and after!

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

One gal's maternity dress is another gal's new September Summer OOTD.

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

New Dress A Day - 90s Striped Maternity Dress

I'll take it!